This combination consists of Lycopene with multivitamin and multimineral. It is a booster dose of antioxidants.
Free radicals steal electrons from the proteins in your body, which badly damages your DNA and other cell structures. They can create a “snowballing effect” – as molecules steal from one another, each one becomes a new free radical, leaving a trail of biological carnage. Free radicals tend to collect in cell membranes (lipid peroxidation), which makes the cell lipids prone to oxidative damage. When this happens, the cell membrane becomes brittle and leaky, causing the cell to eventually fall apart and die. Free radicals can severely affect your DNA by disrupting the duplication of DNA, interfering with DNA maintenance and breaking open or altering its structure by reacting with the DNA bases. Free radicals are linked to over many diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, diabetes, anemia, neurodegenerative diseases and aids in digestion. If your body does not get adequate protection, free radicals can become rampant, causing your cells to perform poorly. This can lead to tissue degradation and put you at risk of diseases.
This is where this antioxidant combination comes in. This can break the free radical chain reaction by sacrificing their own electrons to feed free radicals, but without turning into free radicals themselves.
This combination also helps slow down the aging process, which can have immense effects on your skin health.
Free radicals steal electrons from the proteins in your body, which badly damages your DNA and other cell structures. They can create a “snowballing effect” – as molecules steal from one another, each one becomes a new free radical, leaving a trail of biological carnage. Free radicals tend to collect in cell membranes (lipid peroxidation), which makes the cell lipids prone to oxidative damage. When this happens, the cell membrane becomes brittle and leaky, causing the cell to eventually fall apart and die. Free radicals can severely affect your DNA by disrupting the duplication of DNA, interfering with DNA maintenance and breaking open or altering its structure by reacting with the DNA bases. Free radicals are linked to over many diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, diabetes, anemia, neurodegenerative diseases and aids in digestion. If your body does not get adequate protection, free radicals can become rampant, causing your cells to perform poorly. This can lead to tissue degradation and put you at risk of diseases.
This is where this antioxidant combination comes in. This can break the free radical chain reaction by sacrificing their own electrons to feed free radicals, but without turning into free radicals themselves.
This combination also helps slow down the aging process, which can have immense effects on your skin health.
- Energy production
- Management of healthy skin, hair and nails
- Effective in cardiovascular diseases
- Pernicious anemia
- Strengthens the immune system
- Regulates blood pressure
- Production of red blood cells
- Regulates carbohydrate metabolism
- For rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
- Effective in neurodegenerative diseases
- Age- related macular disease ( eye disease)
- Useful in diabetes
- Useful in Hepatitis C
- Effective in pregnancy
- For digestion
- Useful in ageing